Thursday, February 21, 2008




Misty Hamel said...

Josh Rivas,
What a cool-lookin' dude you turned out to be! Nice smile!!!

Unknown said...

you look gay

Unknown said...

Let me see...I once was walking down the road when I realized my left shoe was pointing North....this was astonishing to me...I did not believe it....I mean what are your chances of that heppening? 1 in 1000000. It was very odd. Then I came to the conclusion it was raining out and I had no rain coat on...I had to think of a way to solve the problem..i could either go in a sheltered area or get a coat..the decision was tough, so I decided to contact only the smartest...the Blue Moose...his anwser was a great one indeed...he came to a conclusion that I was being very foolish to even be outside in the rain never mind without a raincoat...since then I have made better choices about the same time of all this happening I was medidtating on the consumption of rice in Aisa..I decided no it was alot of rice to feed all those no0bs...yes I said no0bs..that is what they are...even if they will rule the world...they are have an anouncement to make.....I have recently discovered that when cycling it is importanat to keep your hands on the handlebars. That is all I have to share with you chillen..Bye.

Unknown said...

I made a terrible mistake in my comment...let me correct myself..when i say this there is a simple wording change notice this...I was medidtating on the consumption of rice in Aisa..I decided "no" it was alot of rice to feed all those no0bs...yes I said no0bs..that is what they are...even if they will rule the world...they are no0bs...if you notice the "no" I will be taking that out....this is how it will read...I was medidtating on the consumption of rice in Aisa..I decided it was alot of rice to feed all those no0bs...yes I said no0bs..that is what they are...even if they will rule the world...they are no0bs...

Ben Norris said...

By the way children (Nic) you spelled Asia 'Aisa' and I don't appreciate that. Now as I was saying children Josh (otherwise known as Yeshua) P.S. don't call him that or Nic will slap you in the face.

Ben Norris said...
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alli:) said...

you guys are interesting...congrats josh!

alli:) said...

what is up with these stupid look here guys there getting on my nerves!

Chels:) said...

fla fla